Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Writing the News Articles

Protesters stand in middle of road for hours, refuse to move until changes are made

This past Friday, over 400 people crowded the only road allowing entrance into the small city of Craigscliff. At first it was unclear as to why they were standing there and refusing to move, but it was quickly discovered when they started to chant "We need a new road". 

Craigscliff, bordered by the ocean on one side and high hills on the other, is a rather rural city with geography that doesn't allow for many roads to be made safely and practically. However, protesters had become fed up with the condition of the single entrance to the city. 

"It's in pretty terrible condition," said Susan Jones, one of the many protesters at the scene. "There are so many bumps and cracks that I'm nervous to drive on it in the daytime, let alone at night, and it turns through the hills so much I get carsick." 

The city's mayor, John Sanders, says that efforts to repair the road have been made many times. 

"We've worked on the road quite a bit," he stated. "It's in such a difficult location that it isn't easy to make it perfect." Despite this fact, Sanders vowed that new efforts to either repair the existing road or make a new one altogether will begin immediately, to the delight of the people.

"I have family who live in the next town over," said Timothy Anderson, one of the first people to start the protest. "I don't want them to have to worry about going off the road because of the condition it's in. I'm glad that they're going to take this issue seriously." 

Funding for the road has already been started, and construction is set to begin in coming weeks. 

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